Thursday, January 10, 2008

Adventures in MRT

f i always have a lot to blog about my trips in the mrt.. Let's talk about this morning's trip to work.

As usual, got a seat... Was enjoying reading the papers, until my Discman(yes i am still very old skool) battery died on me.. Why do i love listening to music so much on my mrt trips? Partly because i like music, but largely also because, the music dampened out the hassle and bustle of the going-ons in the trains. PPl talking loudly to one another, shouting on the phone, handphone ringtones, the stupid announcements on the trains, etc etc. So normally when my battery died on me, i will still keep my earphones plugged into my ears, at least it still helps a little to keep the sound out.

Award for disgusting behaviour - This office lady beside, prolly having cold and flu, and she kept sucking in air through her nose, in an effort to stop the mucus from flowing out. Irritating leh... it;s not like soft kind, it;s so hard and loud, it sounded like the snort of a pig, and if i close my eyes, i would have believe it;s a guy sitting beside me.. She could do those really loud sound and the frequency is like once every 5 seconds.. So unbecoming of an immaculately dressed person. Heh... For God's sake, just take out a piece of tissue and blow all the crap and mucus away. Showing a little bit of ugliness once is better than having prolonged ones that last and last....

Award for worst dressed person - Directly standing facing me was this lady.. She looks like she is wearing the metal chain mill undergarment of a english knight. She wore a dress that covers from the top till her knee. This thing is in metallic silver and the fabric was made to resemble closely woven metal threads.. The dress ends at the knees with a frump.. To accessorise her "knightly" look, she carries a........................... yes!!! a metallic silver handbag. talk about matching outfits... this is not all.. Dress was layered with a knitted pink/purple cardigan... Her dressing really "clash of the titans" leh... Oh, what coloured phone she using? Yes a purple one.. whahahah.....

Award for most cheesy ringtone - As usual, the indian/bangala ringtones always gets the vote!

Award for best ringtone - The other lady sitting beside(not the snorting pig) me. Hers was of a kitten meowing. Very cute sound, bordering on sounding sad, that makes the user wanting to answer the call to end the poor meows of the kitten.

Award for loudest talker - Of course belongs to the usual uncle answering his mobile phone. I wondered why ppl have to shout at the phone, while they can control their voice when talking face to face with a person? Maybe it's because of the perceived distance of the other party that he is talking to on the phone, thinking that the louder he shouts, the clearer the other party will be able to hear him.

Oh and the other day, i was on the train home. It was the older version of the mrt where the seats are generally smaller and narrower than the new ones.. I hate those trains cos u will be damn unlucky when someone big sits beside u. That will really make u feel like a puny sardine in a can of tuna.... Then a thought came to my mind. To ensure the human race to be able to live for more millenniums to come, the only way is to get smaller. There;s a reason why there;s so little in the population whales and elephants compared to ants and insects. That;s because the earth cannot support too much big animals... that applies to homo sapiens, who just mutilply like viruses. Small animals consumes so much lesser, so there;s space for them to be found in great numbers. Oh i found a shop in the flea market in bangkok that sells their t-shirts in different prices in according to the sizes.. They should have more like that. I mean, why should i pay the same price for a t-shirt if i buy a Small size, compared to someone who buys a XXXL one? I use lesser cloth, of course i should pay lesser for the material cost!!!!

Oh dammit!!! my laptop concussed on me yesterday.. Now she is in hospital. I suspect hard-disk crash!!! and i really hoped the data inside is retrievable because i did not back-up all my photos!!!! boo hooo..........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

y is ur lappy a "she" would u kindly explain? keke~