Thursday, January 17, 2008

Adventures in Mrt : Gold Digger

Was on my way home the other day. Saw this seat that was empty, but my instinct tells me not to dump my tired ass on it. Reason being the train is pretty full with ppl standing around, so there;s prolly a reason why that seat was never taken. Then it dawned on me.............

Culprit was this national serviceman wearing the infantry number 3 uniform. For those who dunno what the number 3 uniform is, well it's the smarter uniform(short sleeved shirt, pants and black leather shoes) compared to the camouflage one that most ppl are wearing. He is one disgusting fellow!!! What was his crime? His a Digger of black coal. Throughout the time frame of at least 10 mrt stops, he was digging continuously on his nose. Out came the boogers, those very kneadable type, which he wasted no time in making them into balls. Then he will smear them onto his tissue, and continue the quest for the ultimate kneadable booger. Whao lao eh........................... After all the black coal had been dug and mined, he proceeded to dig for more precious materials in his ears.. @#$#^%%^&*... To top it off, he will check the grade of his precious materials using the smell method... I seriously hoped u are not eating your dinner when u are reading this.

To make matters worse, sitting 2 seats away from our gold digger are 2 early twenties Caucasian tourists. They did noticed the spectacle and was showing disgusted faces among themselves. I mean, our gold digger is really setting a very bad example of our Armed Forces(not that the image of out Armed Forces is very good to start with), by exhibiting such behaviours in public. I wondered what must be going on in their minds that time...

If you have no idea, and i would like to clarify, is that why some of us have to tough the shit out during national service while some have the great life of wearing nice uniforms is that most if not all of the latter either have mental or physical issues, which will be inadvisable to be doin strenous activities, not to say, to hold a rifle. Of course there's another group of ppl who actually keng/tuang/bluff/conned their way to get office jobs. I sure wished the lack of height was a physical disability leh, then i could be having office jobs, wearing smart uniform and joining the goin-home crowds on the mrt, just like gold digger. Oh, back to gold digger, i think his a little slow on the brain, from my observation of him, that explains his grotesque behaviour and nonchalance of the public to his actions.

Seriously, i think these ppl should be locked up in camp and not allowed to go home. haha.. I mean, they got an easy job, why should they be allowed to go home everyday at 5.30 while the rest of the guys slog and rough it out and only gets to sleep on their own beds once a week(saturday) only? Well life is unfair mah... Being slow and stupid has it's uses sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Indeed! I'm eating my dinner while reading the digger story. Yikes! The "smell" method is the ulimate! You should have recorded the process via your HP & post on Youtube ;)

Anonymous said...

and further humiliate our Armed forces to the whole world? I might go jail for that...

chubs said...

its totally disgusting...but hey! he smeared on tissue okie....thank god it was like the glass panel behind him