Thursday, October 16, 2008

The order of things

This morning as i make my way to the mrt as usual, i saw the regular stray cat playing with something 4 legged with a long tail. Yup, it;s a dead mouse.. This is the second time i saw her playing with her catch.. Good girl.. There;s actually cats around that still catched mice and rats. After i walked pass, i saw this mother(too old and not pretty) with her young daughter(too young and not pretty) walking towards the direction of the cat.

Woman let out a scream and quickly led her daughter away on another detour which is pretty inconvenient for them. I mean, how scary can a cat playing with a deal mouse be? did she not encounter worse things if she is born in the 60s to 70s? Is life so good now that she had been sanitised and cannot take anything dirty? She should not instill fear in her young daughter that a cat playing with a mouse she caught is bad. This is the order of things. Cats are the natural predator of mice and rats and they do that to help control vermin infestations. Just like chinese eat rice, u go toilet to bathe, shit and pee and Men have sex with Women.... or issit men have sex with men and women needs to prove that they dun need dicks to satisfy them and start to finger one another to heaven? i am confused...

So next time u see a cat killing a mouse, give the cat a pat, cos it is following the order of things.. give a kick to the nuts of anyone that are not following the nature of things.. hahaha...


chubs said...

hehehehe! bravo =)

my neighbor's worse, they shut the lift door on me when they saw me and my dog waiting for the lift. before she slam on the 'close' button, she let out a scream "DOOOOGGGG!!!!"

TMD...whats wrong man. not as if i had godzilla as pet.

Anonymous said...

u are finally back!!! =)

ur buddy here..!

Anonymous said...

dick head!! go back to work!! work is is is is bad...