Sunday, April 8, 2007

what others wrote about jackson

well just back from the crematorium.. In no mood to talk much about it.. so i guess i;ll just add some comments from friends about jackson.....

"You probably didn't know this, we last met in March. Jackson came to my office to see how he can do community work... Jackson was a good man. After that discussion, I sent him off and stopped at his Swift. As I was contemplating to buy a car, we chatted about cars, motoring in Singapore... and because of my line of work- Motor accidents and how dangerous the roads can be. Sssheesh man!

Agree with you that 'after the initial seriousness and tears' we kinda look back and laugh about the past. After looking at your photos you brought last night, I went back to dig out mine too. (Not easy- especially after shifting house. I had a good nostalgia trip too.

I think the time of cremation (later in the afternoon) would be a difficult time for all of us to hold back our emotions but I guess it's okay if we mourn the passing of a good friend- Together. Let us also remember how he Lived. Yup, we'll really miss our friend..

RIP, Jackson. Till we meet again.Kelvin"


Anonymous said...

Now that Ah Bui is not around, I got no backing to bully!! But I still can spout some fine French so here goes.....fucking coffee bean asshole!!! To think that you've got the cheek to give out name cards at funeral!! You think your at some SME convention isit!!!! I thought our luck was bad enough b4 you came, I regretted not humiliating you in front of them!! I bet you didn't even know Ah Bui was in that box since you were so fucking busy giving out cards!! The only time I would call you is when I have the urge to roast some ass!

Anonymous said...

Just saw your tribute at

Jack will be so touched.
But you really have to feed Kai plenty for him to grow as big as Jack. Kekeke
Sorry stale joke...

Anonymous said...

Hello..i know i can't address you since its an anonymous
I'm Chris's other half lar..=)Anyway i thought it was abit insensitive of Runway to give out cards too... So Runway if you read this, please be more considerate in future..That was mean and i felt disgusted when the guys told me bout your inappropriate behavior..JIA LAT LA! Also,word of advice lor,I'd hardly call myself "RUNWAY" if i want to do any kinda business at all.. it doesn't exactly instill a sense of security to the buyers so please go "La Kopi" elsewhere..

Anonymous said...

I shall rally in the whole anti african coffee beans revolution.

1st lesson... u should learn about doing business.... find the right time and place to do your PR. When u realise people are not interested then back off. You'd probably leave a better impression as the quiet one.

2nd lesson... You should pluck up your courage to source for contacts elsewhere and not prey on your classmates the first time you meet them especially considering the fact that it was a funeral and you have not seen anyone in the longest time of course you didnt bother to keep in touch cos we are not of your league. For your info... i think u should crawl with the likes of scumbags like you... the rest of us are too good for you.

3rd lesson.... Do not underestimate the progress the others have made in life... We all know how much you get paid and for your info... you are worth this miserly sum. I guess this probably give you an indication how "far" you've come in life and how "far" we are from you.

Lastly... My heartfelt wishes to you.... KANINABEH CHOW CHEE BYE!!!!
DONT EVER FUCKING SHOW YOUR FACE EVER TO ANYONE OF US! YOU R AN UTTER DISGRACE! CRAWL BACK TO YOUR MOTHER'S CHEEBYE AND LEARN SOME MANNERS!!! I probably am not very civilised at least i know how to act appropriately and to me you r most deserving of these warm wishes from me....

Keep in Touch....