Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Sudden DEATH

Another sudden death case. Should be the 7th case for the last 2 months.. wonder how many cases are left unreported. Seemingly healthy people just fall dead for no reasons.. Sounds like apocalypse comin? Ain't it scary just thinking that it might happen to u? like what if u will not wake up from your sleep tonite? what if u drop dead while waiting for your MRT and coincidentally fall into the tracks and a train bang into u(anyway, u are dead by that time) and cause another train stoppage(this time along the eastern line). Dammit, i haven't fill up my CPF nomination form!!! gotta do it soon!!! Who shall have my toy collection? Who will take cust0dy of Ariel(my british shorthair cat)?? thinking of these makes my balls strink..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thought they shrunk long time ago already? Hehehe.... =P