Thursday, March 29, 2007
Durai's case update
He remained silent, he asked for leave to go overseas, his leave was granted by court with a $100,000 bail. WTF!!!! His being sued for millions, if he go overseas, jump bail and never come back, that will sounds like his goin to go scot-free?!?! What is the court thinking? He really has nothing to lose if he dun come back to singapore, cos his already a super tinted black sheep here. I sense conspiracy!!! I hate that bastard!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
why she like that????

"SINGER Sun Ho's own youthful struggles with depression and self-mutilation is no secret.
But she has never revealed what triggered them.
It was a secret she kept even from her own mother.
Finally, two days ago, at a Taipei press event, she revealed the truth.
Sun (left) said that she was sexually abusety as a child by a man whom she knew. She was only 6.
'I don't remember what he was like...' she told The New Paper from Taipei.
The molest happened at his house when she was there playing with her siblings.
The man asked her to sit on her lap. Afterwards, she felt a 'pain'.Whao liao, uncle pinch Ho for being naughti also cannot meh? Ppl says, spare the rod, spoilts the child..oppsss.. no pun intended.
'I couldn't fully comprehend what had happened, but I knew something was wrong,' she said. U cannot fully comprehend what happened, so what makes u think it happened?
She tried telling her mother it hurt, but had no way to express fully her predicament.
So she kept it in her heart.
But that experience left Sun, now 36, with scars. what? she;s onli 5 years older than me? looks like 45 leh.
As she grew older, and began to understand what happened, she grew angry.
'How could someone I trusted do something like this to me?' she said.
Worse, she started blaming herself. i sense sympathy vote here!!!
Why did she not resist the man, she asked herself.
The teenage Sun spiralled into depression, which worsened into self-mutilation. She would use a razor to cut her own hands, and even lock herself in her room. i also locked myself in the masturbate....... hahahahaha
As a 16-year-old, the only people she confided in were her close group of friends, who were all Christians.
They told her to forgive herself. what else can they say? it;s a textbook phrase for them. And finding religion helped her see the light.
'How could a 6-year-old have protected herself?' she asked.
It was her experience that led her to start a welfare centre at City Harvest Church later and become a counsellor, to help other victims.
She has even forgiven the man. She said she lost touch with him since her family moved when she was 9. excuses!!! if she said that man is still around, i am sure the reporters will dig out the identity of the man. Am sure if that is the case, the man will not exist, cos it;s just all fiction to gain sympathy. CRY WOLF
And her husband, City Harvest Church founder, Kong Hee, was a source of strength. Sooo politically correct. They have a 2-year-old son, Dayan.
'He always tells me, look, what you have gone through has given you the strength to help many people,' she said.
But one fear remained - her mother did not know.
Then, she revealed her story to the Taiwanese press while promoting her new album Embrace. She was hoping her story would help fellow victims.
'My first reaction was, I hope this doesn't go back to Singapore,' she said. if u scared, then dun say. Say already then say scared. what is the logic. It;s like u eat a box of chocolates and then worried that they will become a tub of lard in your body, and yet u continues to eat.
She hadn't kept her mum in the dark because she thought her mum would be ashamed of her.
Then she found out a local Chinese paper was breaking the news yesterday. The paper quoted an inaccurate Taiwanese report that said she had been molested for five years.
As she was unable to get her mum, she called her husband to tell her mum before the news broke. Luckily, he managed to do so. But she was still crushed. i wonder what is she crushed with, maybe it;s her daughter resorting to a publicity stunt like this to promote her new album?
'I never told her because I knew she would have a meltdown - which she did tonight,' she said. Is MELTDOWN the correct word to use to describe such a reaction/feelin? i dunno about u, but i have never heard of MELTDOWN being used in such circumstances.. it;s onli used when a bloody nuclear reactor blows.
She said her mum called her, crying and admonishing herself for being a terrible mother. Sun's voice cracked several times on the phone. She was crying too.
'I want to tell her, it had nothing to do with her. There was nothing she could do. I am a mother now too. I know there is no way you can spend 24/7 with a child,' she said.Why Sun Ho never says, "u are a bad mother, but i forgive u." (textbook phrase)
But she has never revealed what triggered them.
It was a secret she kept even from her own mother.
Finally, two days ago, at a Taipei press event, she revealed the truth.
Sun (left) said that she was sexually abusety as a child by a man whom she knew. She was only 6.
'I don't remember what he was like...' she told The New Paper from Taipei.
The molest happened at his house when she was there playing with her siblings.
The man asked her to sit on her lap. Afterwards, she felt a 'pain'.Whao liao, uncle pinch Ho for being naughti also cannot meh? Ppl says, spare the rod, spoilts the child..oppsss.. no pun intended.
'I couldn't fully comprehend what had happened, but I knew something was wrong,' she said. U cannot fully comprehend what happened, so what makes u think it happened?
She tried telling her mother it hurt, but had no way to express fully her predicament.
So she kept it in her heart.
But that experience left Sun, now 36, with scars. what? she;s onli 5 years older than me? looks like 45 leh.
As she grew older, and began to understand what happened, she grew angry.
'How could someone I trusted do something like this to me?' she said.
Worse, she started blaming herself. i sense sympathy vote here!!!
Why did she not resist the man, she asked herself.
The teenage Sun spiralled into depression, which worsened into self-mutilation. She would use a razor to cut her own hands, and even lock herself in her room. i also locked myself in the masturbate....... hahahahaha
As a 16-year-old, the only people she confided in were her close group of friends, who were all Christians.
They told her to forgive herself. what else can they say? it;s a textbook phrase for them. And finding religion helped her see the light.
'How could a 6-year-old have protected herself?' she asked.
It was her experience that led her to start a welfare centre at City Harvest Church later and become a counsellor, to help other victims.
She has even forgiven the man. She said she lost touch with him since her family moved when she was 9. excuses!!! if she said that man is still around, i am sure the reporters will dig out the identity of the man. Am sure if that is the case, the man will not exist, cos it;s just all fiction to gain sympathy. CRY WOLF
And her husband, City Harvest Church founder, Kong Hee, was a source of strength. Sooo politically correct. They have a 2-year-old son, Dayan.
'He always tells me, look, what you have gone through has given you the strength to help many people,' she said.
But one fear remained - her mother did not know.
Then, she revealed her story to the Taiwanese press while promoting her new album Embrace. She was hoping her story would help fellow victims.
'My first reaction was, I hope this doesn't go back to Singapore,' she said. if u scared, then dun say. Say already then say scared. what is the logic. It;s like u eat a box of chocolates and then worried that they will become a tub of lard in your body, and yet u continues to eat.
She hadn't kept her mum in the dark because she thought her mum would be ashamed of her.
Then she found out a local Chinese paper was breaking the news yesterday. The paper quoted an inaccurate Taiwanese report that said she had been molested for five years.
As she was unable to get her mum, she called her husband to tell her mum before the news broke. Luckily, he managed to do so. But she was still crushed. i wonder what is she crushed with, maybe it;s her daughter resorting to a publicity stunt like this to promote her new album?
'I never told her because I knew she would have a meltdown - which she did tonight,' she said. Is MELTDOWN the correct word to use to describe such a reaction/feelin? i dunno about u, but i have never heard of MELTDOWN being used in such circumstances.. it;s onli used when a bloody nuclear reactor blows.
She said her mum called her, crying and admonishing herself for being a terrible mother. Sun's voice cracked several times on the phone. She was crying too.
'I want to tell her, it had nothing to do with her. There was nothing she could do. I am a mother now too. I know there is no way you can spend 24/7 with a child,' she said.Why Sun Ho never says, "u are a bad mother, but i forgive u." (textbook phrase)
Ribena, u like and i like
Oh, Ribena in New Zealand had just been fined for misleading the public that their drinks contains Vit C which we had grown up to know.. Well, it was discovered by 2 girls doin their science project that it did not contain any detectable Vit C at all.. i dunno if it;s just in New Zealand or it might be happenin around the world.. The power marketing and advertisement.. i mean it plays with consumers' trust, and we actually believes blindly that Ribena is actually good for your body.. Dammit... Full report here .
Thursday, March 15, 2007
More truths about HOTA
I hoped u ppl knows what HOTA is by now.. Today i learnt that :-
1- Muslims are not included in HOTA because of religious issues
2- If you opt out of HOTA, u will have a much longer waiting time if u need an organ transplant.
3- Muslims can accept the organs from a fellow muslim and also from a non-muslim. (cannot give why can take?) But of course it was clarified in some HOTA websites that " a person who is a Muslim shall have priority over a person who has registered such objection(opt out) only if he has made a gift of that organ, to take effect upon his death, under section 3 of the Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) Act (Cap. 175) "
4- So Muslims can donate their organs just like others. It's their choice.
1- Muslims are not included in HOTA because of religious issues
2- If you opt out of HOTA, u will have a much longer waiting time if u need an organ transplant.
3- Muslims can accept the organs from a fellow muslim and also from a non-muslim. (cannot give why can take?) But of course it was clarified in some HOTA websites that " a person who is a Muslim shall have priority over a person who has registered such objection(opt out) only if he has made a gift of that organ, to take effect upon his death, under section 3 of the Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) Act (Cap. 175) "
4- So Muslims can donate their organs just like others. It's their choice.
day of angst
Bear with my whining for this post. I am just in angst.
This morning i was woken up at around 5am in the morning by my brother's loud voice. His talking on the phone. Who the hell talks on the phone at 5am in the morning!??!! ok if ppl like that exist, at least try to talk in a softer voice. The dead of dawn just amplifies any single sound. His voice is like how he normally talks on the phone, loud, loud and loud. Add to his sickening habit of walking around the house when his on the phone, and u get the drift. And his walking stance is not those quiet type, he has a bad habit/way of walking which involves his feet slapping flat on the floor. Pleah pleah pleah!!! KNN..
He must be up all nite playing computer games again.. i got back to sleep. Woke up at 6.30, walked to the kitchen, saw the leftover wrapper of my favourite nasi lemak!!! KNN again. He bought breakfast!!! His OWN breakfast!!!! doesn't his brain comprehend that i too need to eat breakfast? I mean, since he bought, is it too difficult or expensive to buy a packet more? nowadays, I bought most of breakfast on weekends, and i had always include his share every time, which consist of 2 packets for him and now he actually forgotten about me and my goodwill. Well, i shall still buy his share this weekend, but i;ll just buy him 1 packet now, since the carbo is goin to be turned into fats in him anyway cos he dun exercise and dun need much energy getting around in the house all day playing computer games.....
Oh and did i mention his room recently has been emitting a stench of sort. I dunno what the hell it came from but it gives me a headache just smelling it in my room. His fucking stinking up my house, MY HOUSE! i asked him what the hell the smell came from and he has no idea. It;s amazing he can hole himself in that room and bear with the stench! My theory is, his brain is so small, that since he plays games so much, the brain automatically shuts down certain functions of the human to maximise the efforts needed for other functions that were needed. So obviously, he dun need his sense of smell to play games. There u have it!!!! I think his lack of a social life outside the house is probably due to the mass(or lack) of his grey matter too. I am sure his brain could not cope with his life of studies, games and activities that are out of the house, so the stupid brain automatically picks out what;s best for him and decided to stay home since goin outside will be an information overload for his senses and thoughts.
talk about studies, yah his like 26 already and still have not done a decent job in his life... Amazing... well i can blame it on the 2 years national service or i could come out with a theory that having to continue studies, gives him more time to be at home playing his games. I think i'll go with the latter. No one will have so much time to do that if they have a working life. Oh now his busy typing away on his computer with a ceiling lamp which has gone totally haywire and faulty. He seems not perturbed by the blinking light. He has attained enlightenment already.
His lucky to be pursuing a degree which i dun think i have the luxury to do that last time. I guess it must be hard on a mum who has to support 2 sons thru their studies, and if i were to continue my studies, i am sure it;s goin to be hard on her. I am also sure that she will be able to pull that off, but i decided i'll just work first. I started working 3 days after i finish my national service mind u!!! Luckily i took this path, cos due to circumstances, i have to pay for current house, which i think if i continued with studies, my CPF wouldn;t be enough to pay for the loan at all. I have no idea that my brother will pursue his degree, cos his not the academic sorts. Probably the idea was fed into his pea brain from my uncle whom his quite close to. Well-to-do uncle. Both his children are in uni, being due to the fact that the children do not see the need to work so early in life. double-income family, 2 cars, condo, who the hell wants to work? everyone says the best time in life is spent in schools.
Oh and i could have had another life, if not for the housing loan. it;s one of the main factor that makes me stop the thought of goin overseas to work every time. My friend asked me to join him doin design in bangkok. i could take a pay cut and live an OK life there, if not for the loan. he could easily hired 5 designers to do my job if i go there. Why the hell did the gabermen come out with such high cost of houses in singapore? I wonder if their maths additional is correct or not. Doesn;t the cheap labour they hired helped bring the cost down? I think it;s just conspiracy cos selling houses at cost price(HDB, houses built by the gabermen for the people) will cheapen the market value of all properties in pragmatic singapore. Sick of the idea of never being rich enough but never too poor to survive.
Oh and my company is goin public and also up for acquisition by any interested parties soon. Which probably could mean my rice bowl is in danger. Am sure there will be a major reshuffle in the company once another company bought it over, and who knows, they do not need product designers at that time.. Good la, save me the trouble of writing resignation letter. haha...
Fucking packed MRT. Imagine standing from buona vista to simei. Some hairy person just have to use his hands to hold onto something, even though it's just his palm resting on the door. I have to stare and smell the hairy arms which is like so close to my face!. Not much ppl have hairy and smelly arms, so u know what kind of monkeys i am talking about now. His like placing his left arm on the door and his right arm on the ceiling(door area) of the train. If u take MRT regularly, i am sure u can balance yourself without holding onto anything and i am 100% sure he takes MRT regularly. They can onli be lawyers, doctors, IT(lucky ones) and the rest(fucking useless ones), crappy jobs.. hahahah. he looks like the latter. If he were to have an actual tail, he could be using that extra limps to grab onto the limps of another silly monkey(i am one of them) in the train.
So u have it, smelly hand, smelly brother;s room. That;s my day. PUI!
This morning i was woken up at around 5am in the morning by my brother's loud voice. His talking on the phone. Who the hell talks on the phone at 5am in the morning!??!! ok if ppl like that exist, at least try to talk in a softer voice. The dead of dawn just amplifies any single sound. His voice is like how he normally talks on the phone, loud, loud and loud. Add to his sickening habit of walking around the house when his on the phone, and u get the drift. And his walking stance is not those quiet type, he has a bad habit/way of walking which involves his feet slapping flat on the floor. Pleah pleah pleah!!! KNN..
He must be up all nite playing computer games again.. i got back to sleep. Woke up at 6.30, walked to the kitchen, saw the leftover wrapper of my favourite nasi lemak!!! KNN again. He bought breakfast!!! His OWN breakfast!!!! doesn't his brain comprehend that i too need to eat breakfast? I mean, since he bought, is it too difficult or expensive to buy a packet more? nowadays, I bought most of breakfast on weekends, and i had always include his share every time, which consist of 2 packets for him and now he actually forgotten about me and my goodwill. Well, i shall still buy his share this weekend, but i;ll just buy him 1 packet now, since the carbo is goin to be turned into fats in him anyway cos he dun exercise and dun need much energy getting around in the house all day playing computer games.....
Oh and did i mention his room recently has been emitting a stench of sort. I dunno what the hell it came from but it gives me a headache just smelling it in my room. His fucking stinking up my house, MY HOUSE! i asked him what the hell the smell came from and he has no idea. It;s amazing he can hole himself in that room and bear with the stench! My theory is, his brain is so small, that since he plays games so much, the brain automatically shuts down certain functions of the human to maximise the efforts needed for other functions that were needed. So obviously, he dun need his sense of smell to play games. There u have it!!!! I think his lack of a social life outside the house is probably due to the mass(or lack) of his grey matter too. I am sure his brain could not cope with his life of studies, games and activities that are out of the house, so the stupid brain automatically picks out what;s best for him and decided to stay home since goin outside will be an information overload for his senses and thoughts.
talk about studies, yah his like 26 already and still have not done a decent job in his life... Amazing... well i can blame it on the 2 years national service or i could come out with a theory that having to continue studies, gives him more time to be at home playing his games. I think i'll go with the latter. No one will have so much time to do that if they have a working life. Oh now his busy typing away on his computer with a ceiling lamp which has gone totally haywire and faulty. He seems not perturbed by the blinking light. He has attained enlightenment already.
His lucky to be pursuing a degree which i dun think i have the luxury to do that last time. I guess it must be hard on a mum who has to support 2 sons thru their studies, and if i were to continue my studies, i am sure it;s goin to be hard on her. I am also sure that she will be able to pull that off, but i decided i'll just work first. I started working 3 days after i finish my national service mind u!!! Luckily i took this path, cos due to circumstances, i have to pay for current house, which i think if i continued with studies, my CPF wouldn;t be enough to pay for the loan at all. I have no idea that my brother will pursue his degree, cos his not the academic sorts. Probably the idea was fed into his pea brain from my uncle whom his quite close to. Well-to-do uncle. Both his children are in uni, being due to the fact that the children do not see the need to work so early in life. double-income family, 2 cars, condo, who the hell wants to work? everyone says the best time in life is spent in schools.
Oh and i could have had another life, if not for the housing loan. it;s one of the main factor that makes me stop the thought of goin overseas to work every time. My friend asked me to join him doin design in bangkok. i could take a pay cut and live an OK life there, if not for the loan. he could easily hired 5 designers to do my job if i go there. Why the hell did the gabermen come out with such high cost of houses in singapore? I wonder if their maths additional is correct or not. Doesn;t the cheap labour they hired helped bring the cost down? I think it;s just conspiracy cos selling houses at cost price(HDB, houses built by the gabermen for the people) will cheapen the market value of all properties in pragmatic singapore. Sick of the idea of never being rich enough but never too poor to survive.
Oh and my company is goin public and also up for acquisition by any interested parties soon. Which probably could mean my rice bowl is in danger. Am sure there will be a major reshuffle in the company once another company bought it over, and who knows, they do not need product designers at that time.. Good la, save me the trouble of writing resignation letter. haha...
Fucking packed MRT. Imagine standing from buona vista to simei. Some hairy person just have to use his hands to hold onto something, even though it's just his palm resting on the door. I have to stare and smell the hairy arms which is like so close to my face!. Not much ppl have hairy and smelly arms, so u know what kind of monkeys i am talking about now. His like placing his left arm on the door and his right arm on the ceiling(door area) of the train. If u take MRT regularly, i am sure u can balance yourself without holding onto anything and i am 100% sure he takes MRT regularly. They can onli be lawyers, doctors, IT(lucky ones) and the rest(fucking useless ones), crappy jobs.. hahahah. he looks like the latter. If he were to have an actual tail, he could be using that extra limps to grab onto the limps of another silly monkey(i am one of them) in the train.
So u have it, smelly hand, smelly brother;s room. That;s my day. PUI!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
HCWF challenge (Human & Cat Wrestling Federation)
First match-up of the Human & Cat Wrestling Federation will be Ariel Vs. The HAND.. ok, i am just bored today and decided to do someting different.. Ariel is my british shorthair and The Hand is my right hand........... haha
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
How deep is your love.............HOLE! haha

now no more thinking of why u arent sextifying your partner. No more questions about "is my dick too short, or is her hole too deep" or when your partner is complaining of pain and u think "is my dick too long or is her hole too shallow?" hahaha.. obviously i know the real reasons why partners arent sextify, but please just allow me the indulgence of writing some rubbish can?
the competition of who is deepest starts now!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
rubbing more salt to Apple!

Monday, March 5, 2007
good design for everyday use :) condom applicator
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Who needs iphone?

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