Thursday, October 16, 2008
The order of things
Woman let out a scream and quickly led her daughter away on another detour which is pretty inconvenient for them. I mean, how scary can a cat playing with a deal mouse be? did she not encounter worse things if she is born in the 60s to 70s? Is life so good now that she had been sanitised and cannot take anything dirty? She should not instill fear in her young daughter that a cat playing with a mouse she caught is bad. This is the order of things. Cats are the natural predator of mice and rats and they do that to help control vermin infestations. Just like chinese eat rice, u go toilet to bathe, shit and pee and Men have sex with Women.... or issit men have sex with men and women needs to prove that they dun need dicks to satisfy them and start to finger one another to heaven? i am confused...
So next time u see a cat killing a mouse, give the cat a pat, cos it is following the order of things.. give a kick to the nuts of anyone that are not following the nature of things.. hahaha...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Why Blog?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
New job
Thursday, May 22, 2008
How Men thinks
1. When I was born, I got a choice : A big dick or a good memory. I am not able to remember what I chose.
2. Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
3. A wife is a sex object.
Every time you ask for sex, she objects.
4. Impotence : It is nature's way of saying " No hard feelings "
5. There are only two four-letter words that are offensive to men :" don't " and " stop ", unless they are used together.
6. Panties is not the best thing on earth,
but it's next to best thing on earth.
7. There are three stages to sex in a person's life: Tri-weekly, Try Weekly, and Try Weakly.
8. Virginity can be cured.
9. Virginity is not dignity, it's lack of opportunity.
10. Having sex is like playing bridge.
If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.
11. I tried phone sex once, but the holes in the dialer were too small.
12. Marriage is the only war where you get to sleep with the enemy.
13. Q: What's an Australian kiss? Answer: The same thing as a French kiss, only down under.
14. A couple just married were happy with the whole thing.
He was happy with The Hole and she was happy with The Thing......
15. Q: What are the three biggest tragedies in a man's life? A: Life sucks, job sucks and the wife doesn't !
16. Q: What's the difference between a bitch and a whore? A: A whore sleeps with everyone at the party
and a bitch sleeps with everyone except you.
17. Q: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact ? A: Breasts don't have eyes.
18. Of course you've heard about the Viagra computer virus,
it turns your 3 1/2 inch floppy into a hard disk.
19. Despite the old saying : " Don't take your troubles to bed ", many men still sleep with their wives.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
chennai is next
excerpts from the lonely planet website :- Chennai has neither the cosmopolitan, prosperous air of Mumbai (Bombay), the optimistic buzz of Bengaluru (Bangalore) or the historical drama of Delhi. It's muggy, terribly polluted, hot as hell and difficult to get around. Traditional tourist attractions are few. Even the movie stars are, as one Chennaiker put it, 'not that hot'.
A word of advise from a close friend.. Go there with an open mind. Expect nothing cos expectations will only disappoint. Do not feel pissed off by the ppl's actions there, cos they are not as well-to-do as us.
So well, i will try to take as many pics as i can, if i have the time.. It;s a work trip!!!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
what is left for us?
Oh then "someone" is in Libya to forge better business relationships. The news said that Libya provides free health care and other free benefits for her citizens. Best one, when a couple marry, the country will give the couple free housing equivalent to our 3-room flats.. POWER!!! why dun we have such things? I am sure it will help increase the birthrates (which the government is so strongly trying to encourage) by dangling a big carrot for marriage. More married couples fucking, more chances of babies instead of wasting sperm by spraying into condoms.
i am sure our gross national earnings cant be much lower than libya that we cannot afford such perks to the citizens rite? Everything we need have to be paid, even health care(although we have medishield), dun come cheap and still comes from our own pockets. What did we benefit from the country in turn for our role in nation building? A safe and corrupt-free place to live in? Is that enough? What can the government do to keep her citizens happy and satisfied without quitting the country at the slightest chance available? Do we have to just keep on working for our 3 meals and a good life for ourselves and families just so that we can stay in this place and not reap the full rewards of what we had sowed for the country? hmmmmm....
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Shure Se530
Ok they dun come cheap, but cheap things normally dun come good. And anyway, u cannot put a price tag on sound, just as u cant put a price tag on the orgasm u last had. heh..
Friday, May 2, 2008
Took an mrt train that has no air conditioning today. My ride to hell. It;s really a tough choice deciding whether to go out and wait for another train or stay put and suffer God's wreath. The reason is cos i have found a seat and it;s damn rare nowadays to get a seat in the train. Oh, the reason there was no air conditioning was cos the stupid train driver forgotten to switch it on, cos when the train reached raffles, the air con started working. God damn him!!! oven!!!!!!!!! Oh and someone farted when air con is down.....
Please God, if u wanna kill us, do it in a more kind and forgiving way.. Dun burn us alive.........
Friday, April 11, 2008
pick your real estates

take your time to browse thru the rest of the real estates, certainly beats our pigeon-hole design anytime..
Thursday, April 3, 2008
u think i got nothing better to do?
7 soldiers = 1 section
4 sections = 1 platoon (have to include 1 platoon seargeant)
3-4 platoons = 1 company (have to include 1 officer commanding, 4 platoon commanders, a few runners, storemens, a few medics)
4-6 companies = 1 battalion
That;s a lot of ppl-who-got-much-better-things-to-do-then-to-get-involve-in-your-silly-games. Ok now comes the part where i tell u why i have to report to camp. Drum roll........................ We are back in camp to listen to young freaking NS punks telling us how to exercise well so that we can pass our annual IPPT. They are supposed to teach us how we can keep ourselves physically fit during our daily normal routine lives!!!!! Ok the reason is because the passing rate of IPPT for our unit is like 41-43%. What do u expect from a unit with lots of ppl who are certified not physically fit to take the test? Add to that uncles from age ranging from 30 to late 30s??? So today;s session is to make us more aware that it is our duty to pass the IPPT, so that the top brass can show a nice report card to the next top brass above him...
And to cap off the session, we have to jog 1 big round around the camp before we go home............ Speechless!!!!!!!! Best part, just when all of us are about to start the jog, the mother-of-all-rain came pouring down.. Blessing in disguise... So u see, hundreds of people are activated for half a day to be involved in doing something sooo mundane, even worse than my own mundane daily life. Oh, and i guess the money comes from tax payers' for this activation. YAy!!!! i paid myself to be activated.. hahaha... I LOVE u SAF!!!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
No need to Q, we first time eat Burger King
I was at the bangkok airport few months ago. had checked in and was hanging around the duty free area when i decided to have a meal at burger King. As per normal human beings, i waited in line for my turn to order, around me were a few caucasians waiting for their turn too. Then out of nowhere, a bunch of blokes(around 10 of them) came into burger King and straight went into the first line of the Q, and started ordering. WTF?!?! They seemed oblivious that there are queues present at the counters. Those shitheads were wearing soccer jerseys and jackets, and have the freaking "Lebanon" word printed on them. Dun they have a queueing system back at home? or is what they were doin normal back there?
Why i did not do anything? Because those pieces of turds are at least 1.8m tall, and anything above 1.6m is considered taller than me. heh.. And mind u, they were like 10 of them.. Even the caucasions there never did anything. They just stared at one another, and also at me with the bewildered/disbelief/pissed off face.
So i hoped the lumpy crap tonite will get shit thrown at them at the National stadium.. Please tune in the channel 5 for the "live" telecast at 7.25pm to see singapore play against pieces of shit. Ole ole ole oleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...............
Update: as u can see, ppl who cant queue for nuts cant win a soccer game... final score singapore 2 lebanon 0
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Patissier J's muffins

Friday, March 7, 2008
Who is she?
She;s Ariel...

KunShan trip
Monday, February 25, 2008
kunshan here i come!!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The religion of Bras
What Religion is Your Bra?
A man walked into the ladies department of a Macy's and shyly walked up to the woman behind the counter and said, "I'd like to buy a bra for my wife."
"What type of bra?" asked the clerk. "Type?" inquires the man, "There's more than one type?"
"Look around," said the saleslady, as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, color and material imaginable. "Actually, even with all of this variety, there are really only four types of bras to choose."
Relieved, the man asked about the types. The saleslady replied:"There are the Catholic, the Salvation Army, the Presbyterian, and the Baptist types. Which one would you prefer?"
Now totally befuddled, the man asked about the differences between them. The Saleslady responded, "It is all really quite simple... "
The Catholic type supports the masses. The Salvation Army type lifts the fallen, The Presbyterian type keeps them staunch and upright, and The Baptist makes mountains out of mole hills.
Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H are the letters used to define bra sizes?If you have wondered why, but couldn't figure out what the letters stood for, it is about time you became informed!
(A} Almost Boobs...
{B} Barely there.
{C} Can't Complain!
{D} Dang! {DD} Double dang!
{E} Enormous!
{F} Fake.
{G} Get a Reduction.
{H} Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
20 seconds of fame
Anyway, taxi design network is a singapore design site, focusing more on graphics design. I think i am the first product designer to be featured and i hoped to see more to come. Actually not much ppl knows about them but a little exposure is still better than no exposure at all.. the layout of my interview page was kinda messy, that;s because of the images i gave them. If i known earlier, i would have given all my images with my products in white background. Well, i never expect that my images would turn out this messy. sigh :)
Anyway, full article at

valentine's day
All a girl do on this day is wait in the office, for flowers(way overpriced during this period) to arrive, and if it arrives, good, if not, black face but still not explode yet, because the guy still got his chance to redeem himself over dinner date with a bunch of flowers. Dinner, a nice one. Gotta book early beforehand, or waste time queueing up and suffer the wrath of the girl, because she will accuss u for not planning beforehand.
i know there are many other ways to celebrate this day, the ab0ve is just an example. No matter how the date for this day is planned, it;s still done by the guys most of the time. Damn lucky girls, lucky that they have holes. whahahahah
I am sooooooo shallow to say all these things. heh..The truth is that valentine's day is the day to show appreciation for the love the other party gaved to you. It;s about unconditional love, the joy of giving and spending your time/life with that special someone. Happy valentine's day everyone!!!
zoom zoom zoom!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
unnecessarily travel...... huh???
'But I'm not in favour of subsidising transport because then you will unnecessarily travel,' he said.
'In this way we impose on every individual the responsibility for his life,' he added.
Does the above first sentence make sense? Is there something wrong in the way it was written or phrased? I am not an expert in english but something sounds really wrong in "unnecessarily travel" Anyway, this sentence was spoken by some important person up at the top.. But ask you people, if your public transportation is subsidised, will u spend more money to travel unnecessarily because it will be cheaper? I dun think so. Ppl just want to get from Point A to B without any fuss and ASAP. Who in the right mind will purposely "unnecessarily travel" from A to B? Is "unnecessarily travel" the best reason he/she can give to the masses for not subsidising transportation?
Second sentence is very well said!! An individual should be responsible for his life, be it for himself, family, or country. So why prolonged our CPF monies!!!!!???? Just give the money back to us when we need it or deem fit and let us decide how we will use our retirement funds!!! Anyone read the new CPF structure that was just announced today? It was on the papers. Who is confused? I think everyone is confused. Is that a "if u cannot persuade them, confuse them!" tactic? Because seriously, i am literate, and i admit i do not understand how the structure actually works. Not everyone speaks politics in Singapore! How do they expect the masses to understand deh!!!!???
Monday, February 4, 2008
jedi Ginsu
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Spot the sexist Lego man
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Chiang Mai Part 2
Huge water fountain at the top of the flower garden
Ooooooo.. Marijuana leaves....
Thursday, January 17, 2008
have u seen the Apple Macbook Air?

Adventures in Mrt : Gold Digger
Culprit was this national serviceman wearing the infantry number 3 uniform. For those who dunno what the number 3 uniform is, well it's the smarter uniform(short sleeved shirt, pants and black leather shoes) compared to the camouflage one that most ppl are wearing. He is one disgusting fellow!!! What was his crime? His a Digger of black coal. Throughout the time frame of at least 10 mrt stops, he was digging continuously on his nose. Out came the boogers, those very kneadable type, which he wasted no time in making them into balls. Then he will smear them onto his tissue, and continue the quest for the ultimate kneadable booger. Whao lao eh........................... After all the black coal had been dug and mined, he proceeded to dig for more precious materials in his ears.. @#$#^%%^&*... To top it off, he will check the grade of his precious materials using the smell method... I seriously hoped u are not eating your dinner when u are reading this.
To make matters worse, sitting 2 seats away from our gold digger are 2 early twenties Caucasian tourists. They did noticed the spectacle and was showing disgusted faces among themselves. I mean, our gold digger is really setting a very bad example of our Armed Forces(not that the image of out Armed Forces is very good to start with), by exhibiting such behaviours in public. I wondered what must be going on in their minds that time...
If you have no idea, and i would like to clarify, is that why some of us have to tough the shit out during national service while some have the great life of wearing nice uniforms is that most if not all of the latter either have mental or physical issues, which will be inadvisable to be doin strenous activities, not to say, to hold a rifle. Of course there's another group of ppl who actually keng/tuang/bluff/conned their way to get office jobs. I sure wished the lack of height was a physical disability leh, then i could be having office jobs, wearing smart uniform and joining the goin-home crowds on the mrt, just like gold digger. Oh, back to gold digger, i think his a little slow on the brain, from my observation of him, that explains his grotesque behaviour and nonchalance of the public to his actions.
Seriously, i think these ppl should be locked up in camp and not allowed to go home. haha.. I mean, they got an easy job, why should they be allowed to go home everyday at 5.30 while the rest of the guys slog and rough it out and only gets to sleep on their own beds once a week(saturday) only? Well life is unfair mah... Being slow and stupid has it's uses sometimes.
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Salads Club

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Adventures in MRT
As usual, got a seat... Was enjoying reading the papers, until my Discman(yes i am still very old skool) battery died on me.. Why do i love listening to music so much on my mrt trips? Partly because i like music, but largely also because, the music dampened out the hassle and bustle of the going-ons in the trains. PPl talking loudly to one another, shouting on the phone, handphone ringtones, the stupid announcements on the trains, etc etc. So normally when my battery died on me, i will still keep my earphones plugged into my ears, at least it still helps a little to keep the sound out.
Award for disgusting behaviour - This office lady beside, prolly having cold and flu, and she kept sucking in air through her nose, in an effort to stop the mucus from flowing out. Irritating leh... it;s not like soft kind, it;s so hard and loud, it sounded like the snort of a pig, and if i close my eyes, i would have believe it;s a guy sitting beside me.. She could do those really loud sound and the frequency is like once every 5 seconds.. So unbecoming of an immaculately dressed person. Heh... For God's sake, just take out a piece of tissue and blow all the crap and mucus away. Showing a little bit of ugliness once is better than having prolonged ones that last and last....
Award for worst dressed person - Directly standing facing me was this lady.. She looks like she is wearing the metal chain mill undergarment of a english knight. She wore a dress that covers from the top till her knee. This thing is in metallic silver and the fabric was made to resemble closely woven metal threads.. The dress ends at the knees with a frump.. To accessorise her "knightly" look, she carries a........................... yes!!! a metallic silver handbag. talk about matching outfits... this is not all.. Dress was layered with a knitted pink/purple cardigan... Her dressing really "clash of the titans" leh... Oh, what coloured phone she using? Yes a purple one.. whahahah.....
Award for most cheesy ringtone - As usual, the indian/bangala ringtones always gets the vote!
Award for best ringtone - The other lady sitting beside(not the snorting pig) me. Hers was of a kitten meowing. Very cute sound, bordering on sounding sad, that makes the user wanting to answer the call to end the poor meows of the kitten.
Award for loudest talker - Of course belongs to the usual uncle answering his mobile phone. I wondered why ppl have to shout at the phone, while they can control their voice when talking face to face with a person? Maybe it's because of the perceived distance of the other party that he is talking to on the phone, thinking that the louder he shouts, the clearer the other party will be able to hear him.
Oh and the other day, i was on the train home. It was the older version of the mrt where the seats are generally smaller and narrower than the new ones.. I hate those trains cos u will be damn unlucky when someone big sits beside u. That will really make u feel like a puny sardine in a can of tuna.... Then a thought came to my mind. To ensure the human race to be able to live for more millenniums to come, the only way is to get smaller. There;s a reason why there;s so little in the population whales and elephants compared to ants and insects. That;s because the earth cannot support too much big animals... that applies to homo sapiens, who just mutilply like viruses. Small animals consumes so much lesser, so there;s space for them to be found in great numbers. Oh i found a shop in the flea market in bangkok that sells their t-shirts in different prices in according to the sizes.. They should have more like that. I mean, why should i pay the same price for a t-shirt if i buy a Small size, compared to someone who buys a XXXL one? I use lesser cloth, of course i should pay lesser for the material cost!!!!
Oh dammit!!! my laptop concussed on me yesterday.. Now she is in hospital. I suspect hard-disk crash!!! and i really hoped the data inside is retrievable because i did not back-up all my photos!!!! boo hooo..........
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Chiangmai 2007
Long-tailed moth
See the little swing attached to the huge tree?