Longer ERP hours, more gantries to ease congestion. This is the headline on the papers today. Sometimes i do pity drivers. All the tremendous amount of money thrown into maintaining that 4 wheels in search of the "convenient" lifestyles.
Well, fret not, things aren't looking too good for public transport too. Trains were always packed during rush hour. Ppl were standing shoulder to shoulder.. For my case, shoulder to armpits. hehe.. The proposed price increase does not help the problem too.
If Americans called themselves fast food nation, i shall term my "beloved" country canned sardine nation. Just a matter of time before we reduce ourselves to a mass of slow moving entity, always waiting in line for something, always standing behind someone in front, with loads more in front and behind. In the crudest words i can think of, it;s like F***king the ass of the one in front, and getting my ass F**K from the one behind, then imagine it forms a chain.. haha.. not to mention, our inflation rate for last month increased the most for 12 years!!! i dun seemed to get an inflation on my salary though.
Oh and about the Annuity thingy that was much talked about these days. To me, it;s just a load of crap. I dunno exactly how it works, but the bottom line is, the money can only be used when we are 85 years old. 85 years old!!!??? That is like 25 years after the age which i prefer to pack my back and go find God or Satan? I mean, how old do u want to live when everyday u get F**Ked(figuratively of course) in the ass? How many ppl do u know and foresee who will live after 85?? Yes with medical advances, it sure can prolong life, but will it ensure u have a happy life? Maybe it can prolong a wheelchair-bound life or a life hooked onto a life-support machine? Do you want that? What;s good with medical advances if the body and mind does not want to carry on? Oh and on the papers today, it was predicted that a new deadly disease will be discovered every once a year..
So the odds are stacked against us. The annuity is like gambling. A gamble that was made compulsory for every Singaporeans. A gamble that states that if u pay the annuity, and if u live after 85, u got more money for yourselves. But if u byebye before 85, "Thank you, the house wins, the money is ours". Guess they are prepping us for the casinos, opps, it;s integrated resorts. The lawmakers want us to think that we should have money for ourselves when we are able to grow and live longer (after 85), but i think that they just do not want us to burden them when we are old and useless. We need empathy from them, not them to come help us prepare for your future. Stop spoon-feeding us!!!!!!!!
seriously, do u see yourself surviving after 85? maybe the rich can do that, cos they might have ginseng herbal chicken soup and bird's nest for breakfast, but i have curry puffs for breakfast! haha.
Look at it in another way, an insurance agent (now they are called financial planners) asked u to buy a savings plan. U will earn interest along the way. The catch is that you will only be allowed to draw the money out after 85 years old. Who in the right mind will buy???
Aren't we supposed to enjoy any benefits we have as citizens when we are old? We helped contribute our time and lives to the nation, so when it;s time that we retire and rest, isnt it proper that the nation gives us back something? Now all the CPF(annuity soon) shit are all our own hardwork and contribution, what does the nation gives us back huh? Great transport system(see problems above)? Safe and clean environment(to me it;s God-given)? Good housing(so expensive)? Great education(then why so many still go overseas to study?)? Good and uncorrupted Government(no comments)?
Oh hoped i am not making a sexist remark here. It is true that most women just sit between the fence when it comes to politics? They have neither like or dislike, they just seemed to accept what is being dished out. I was chatting with a female friend yesterday about all the crap happenin, and she has neither positive or negative comments about them. That made me made a comment to her,"Woman dun care much about politics, but they will turn to bitches for office politics." How true is it?